Monday, February 28, 2011

An Unconscionable Abuse of the Semicolon

I am a terrible, slow, inaccurate typist, and this passage, composed of only TWO sentences, made me want to die as I was taking notes for my dissertation yesterday.
“To start with some definitions, by ‘avant-garde’ I am referring to historical waves of artists in the twentieth century associated with innovative formal practices and their legacy. Manifestations of avant-garde practice generally are regarded as formal and sociopolitical, and typically involve groups of artists with shared principles who often work in more than one medium or genre; synthesize disparate influences and techniques including ‘high’ and ‘popular’ culture, deliberately attempt to undermine or contradict formal markers of rigidified artistic structures and ruling ideologies; consider art to be apolitical and aesthetic instrument with direct agency; push art and society forward into new and unfamiliar terrain; employ technical features designed to unsettle and interrogate unitary voices of authority and totalizing narratives; explore formal modes such as open field, performative, and alternative poetics based on extra-semantic properties such as visualization and sound; question the nature and possibility of a nonproblematical speaking subject; animate multiple voices in preference to a centralized stable narrator or persona; transcend boundaries of nationalism, draw on international influences, and maintain dialogue with artist sin other nations and cultures; and frequently use collage, bricolage, fragmentation, and pastiche in order to create palimpsestic or dialogic texts revealing multiple frames of reference and mechanism of interpretation.”
from “Diaspora and the Avant-Garde in Contemporary Black British Poetry” by Lauri Ramey in Noland and Watten's Diasporic Avant-Gardes.

It's not a bad definition of the avant-garde, though. All-encompassing, to say the least.

Better ways to use semicolons:

  • Semicolon Brooch
    $8.50 USD

  • Semicolon Letter Press Necklace
    $29.00 USD


    Anonymous said...

    Wow... talk about long, run-on sentences! ;D

    I love the Etsy semicolons. :)

    HarmlessColor said...

    I love the semicolons, and I think you would love kimchi ;-)

    J.Crabbit said...

    HAHA I like your semicolon use; much better; while in text they are useful; the items made from the shape itself; are my favorite. ;) ;)dont forget the importance it has in creating the wink smiley.

    Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

    Found you on the etsy blogs team . . . DANG, I felt bad for the poor over-used semi-colon in that passage! Or maybe it feels proud of itself for being so popular? I just know I liked your etsy finds better :-)

    XoXo, Vicki said...

    Punctuation as fashion? Just darling!



    MDS said...

    @J.Crabbit -- good point! I do love the winking emoticon.

    @Rachel -- Good question! Probably that was the most the poor neglected thing had been used in quite a while.

    Sarah said...

    Oh, I am a giant punctuation nerd. I insist that it's used correctly and I love your fun take on such a dull (to most people) subject! Giant academic sentences lightened up with Etsy finds. Love this post! (And found you via EBT, too!)


    Lisa said...

    Haha good post. Love the Etsy semi-colons

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